Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Early moments in time...........

I was born at Elmendorf Air force base hospital on the first snow in October. My first years were spent on our homestead on Knik road in Wassila Alaska. We would set net off of Knik Arm. I remember going down the arm on rope ladders on my mothers back. My mother Shirley homesteaded alone with two small children for a couple of years, without electricity or running water. Our water we would get from Fish creek. The cold mountain run off would make our lips so purple as we would ride the currents as children. Many lazy summers laying in the sand warmth next to the old gravel road staring at the Birch tree jungles. Many nights I would lay in the dark, looking out the window, watching moose walk by. Many children's Boigie men where monsters, mine were of Moose and King Salmon when I was a young child. Most likely because of their size and power. We moved into town, Anchorage, when my father bought a trailer and we moved to 4040 Folker Street, just off Tudor road.  I so wish to have been a gifted painter, so I could get this profound beauty that has been locked inside forever in my head down on paper.

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